A Blueprint for Tapping Into Your Intentions

Dear Friends,

According to World War II Medal of Honor recipient William A. Foster,  “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.”  A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the power of intention.  Here’s a blueprint for tapping into your intentions to help you navigate life with greater focus and clarity, while creating extraordinary results.

1.  Get clear about what you want.  Whatever you are unconscious of becomes your fate.  Ask yourself, “What do I really want?”  After you gain clarity, identify any disempowering beliefs that are preventing you from getting what you want.  To change self-limiting beliefs, ask yourself, “What will this belief ultimately cost me emotionally, physically, financially and relationally if I don’t release it?”  Sit with this question and decide once and for all that you are no longer willing to pay the price of not realizing your dreams.

2.  Write down your intentions.  There is power in the written word.  Record your intentions in a journal, small notebook or on 3×5 index cards that you can carry around and review regularly.  You can begin your intention statement with “It is my intention to…” or “I intend to…'”  Focus on what you want, NOT on what you don’t want. 

3.  Visualize the conditions you desire to manifest.  Through our imagination we have the ability to conceive and cultivate possibilities.  Visual imagery (our “mind’s eye”) is an effective way to translate abstract ideas into concrete manifestations.  To help shape your vision, create an inner representation of your desires and engage your body’s senses in a way that you can see, feel, hear, smell and/or taste your experience.  Through visualization, you can stimulate changes that are considered inaccessible to conscious influence.

4.  Use positive affirmations to help you stay focused.  The use of affirmations is a powerful technique to change your negative self-talk into something more positive.  An affirmation is a positive statement that can be used to change the way you think about yourself, your circumstances and your life.  A positive affirmation would be, “I assume full responsibility for my thoughts, behaviors and actions.”  Repetition changes old paradigms and stimulates growth to promote your goals.  Therefore, tape the affirmation anywhere you can regularly see and speak it aloud to yourself.

5.  Expect your dreams to become reality.  Banish doubt by viewing all that you do as a catalyst for propelling you into the direction of your desired state.  Do not focus on your current circumstances or what always has been.  Focus only on what you intend to attract and manifest in your life.  Eliminate from your thoughts conditions of limitation and impossibility and begin thinking in terms of abundance and possibility.

6.  Maintain a spirit of gratitude.  Gratitude is a pathway to possibility.  Focusing on those things that you are grateful for opens the door for increased abundance, self-actualization and achievement.  Nurturing gratitude is a way to develop a more positive way of thinking by helping you to appreciate the things you already have, rather than focusing on the things you do not have.  Ask yourself, “What am I grateful for in my life today?  What about it makes me grateful?  How does that make me feel?”

Don’t go through life merely wishing your life were different.  Set intentions and proclaim to yourself and others that you are serious about what you plan to do!

Until next time,
