4 Questions to Ignite Intention

Dear Friends:

Most people are unaware that they are not living an intentional life, because they are accustomed to reacting to external circumstances, rather than taking proactive measures to make their goals and dreams a reality.  When we lack intention, we wander through life without meaning or direction.  Intention clears the way for us to transform our thoughts, spoken words and actions with a specific purpose in mind.

When your life is in chaos, recognize that you are out of harmony with intention.  Being intentional is living your life from the inside out by becoming conscious of your thoughts, words and actions and how your energy impacts others.

An intention can be set for any aspect of your life that you would like to change or improve.   For example, an intention could be to:  find a career that you’re more passionate about; get a promotion on your current job; optimize your productivity; advance your education; spend more quality time with family and friends; carve out time for self-reflection and renewal; become more healthy and physically fit; learn to speak a foreign language; master a musical instrument; and the list goes on.

Being intentional means listening to your authentic self.  To begin developing your own intentions ask yourself: 

1.  What is most important to me in life?

2. What are my deepest values and beliefs?

3. What energizes and inspires me to be my best self?

4. How might I express my unique gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others? 

Allow yourself sufficient time to explore these questions and pay attention to what new impressions, insights and ideas emerge and inspire you most deeply.  Once you have clear answers, they can be used to develop your intentions.  In the meantime stay tuned for Part 2, A Blueprint for Tapping Into Your Intentions.

Until next time,
